George Harrison’s sitar: yours for 38,000 notes | News | The Times & The Sunday Times

A sitar which George Harrison is said to have taken on his honeymoon and played while his bride Pattie Boyd soaked up the Barbados sun has gone on sale online with bidding starting at $50,000 (£38,700).
Harrison, who studied the instrument under Ravi Shankar, bought it in 1965.
“It was a real crummy-quality one, actually, but I . . . mucked about with it a bit,” he said. “Anyway, we were at the point where we’d recorded the Norwegian Wood backing track and it needed something. I picked the sitar up [and] found the notes that played the lick.”
Source: George Harrison’s sitar: yours for 38,000 notes | News | The Times & The Sunday Times
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