Apartment 235 (Chapter 14) written and performed by Martin Nethercutt Prologue When the pandemic grew, people had fled the cities. Stores and high-rises had been abandoned. Large cities had become

The Construct (Chapter 13) Music and Lyrics by: Martin Nethercutt ©2017 Ruth McCartney Music, BMI 1st Verse This lonely road ahead of me I’m chasing dreams I’m a refugee Pursuit

We celebrate the life of George Harrison, who would have turned 78 on February 25th. The Beatles recorded George’s first song, Don’t Bother Me, in 1963. What George made up

THE LYRICS: 1956 to the Present by Paul McCartney Edited and Introduced by Paul Muldoon Published 2nd November, 2021 PRE-ORDER “More often than I can count, I’ve been asked if

The Wanderer (Chapter 12) We had left the camp at daybreak. With Caspar in the lead walking closely next to

I was born February 18th, 1933 during a heavy snow in Tokyo. In the morning the nurse opened the curtains

Singularity (Chapter 11) Music and Lyrics by: Martin Nethercutt © 2014 Ruth McCartney Music Publishing Prologue During the Singularity, human life will be irreversibly transformed the intelligence that will emerge