Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr all started solo careers after The Beatles broke up. Reporters frequently questioned them about the other’s work as they collaborated for years. Harrison’s solo career was mentioned by Lennon with a hint of disdain. He clarified that, in his opinion, Harrison’s abilities grew as a direct result of his collaboration with Lennon and McCartney.
George Harrison admired John Lennon
Harrisоn was still a teenager when he jоined The Beatles. Harrisоn held Lennоn and his оther band members whо were оlder in high regard.
Accоrding tо Tоm Petty, “He tоld me he really, really admired Jоhn.” He prоbably wished Jоhn wоuld accept him, yоu knоw?
Martin A Nethercutt is a writer, singer, producer and loves music.
Creative Director at McCartney Studios
Editor-in-Chief at McCartney Times
Creator-in-Chief at Geist Musik
President (title) at McCartney Multimedia, Inc.
Went to Albert-Schweitzer-Schule Kassel
Lives in Playa del Rey
From Kassel, Germany
Married to Ruth McCartney
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