Why The Beatles didn’t voice themselves in ‘Yellow Submarine’

Trippy to the bone, Yellow Submarine is perhaps the most surreal cinematic offering The Beatles ever produced. Released in 1968, the film was designed to appeal to the hippie generation; and boy did it. Fans flocked in their droves to see The Beatles navigate the animated dreamworld of Pepperland, a psychedelic Eden under threat from the Blue Meanies. But, in reality, they weren’t listening to the voices of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. In fact, the real Lonely Hearts Club Band was barely involved.
The premise of Yellow Submarine is a simple one. Pepperland is under attack from an army of yellow-teethed Smurfish creatures called the Blue Meanies. The inhabitants of this paradise call upon The Beatles to save them, which is exactly what they do, rescuing the feeble Pepperlandians to the sound of ‘When I’m Sixty Four’, ‘Nowhere Man’ and ‘Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds’.
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Source: Why The Beatles didn’t voice themselves in ‘Yellow Submarine’
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