The five best songs recorded in a single day

Music has always been bound to feats of speed. Whether it’s the studio-sprints of John Lennon, the extraordinary output of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – who wrote something like 626 pieces of music in just 35 years – or the Indian guitarist Nirvana B, who performed Rimsky-Korsakov’s ‘Flight of the Bumblebee’ at an astonishing 1600 beats per minute, we are fascinated with the Olympic side of music-making.
The tracks on this list were, for whatever reason, all recorded in just one day. For some, this was less of a choice and more a necessity. Take The Beatles, for example, who, with recording studios being as rudimentary as they were in the early ’60s, wouldn’t have known what to do with more time even if they’d been offered it.
For other’s, however, time became a tool of artistic expression, with the likes of Jack White, John Lennon, and The Velvet Underground, placing intentional limits on the amount of time they could spend on a record to push their creativity to its outer limits. Whatever the reason, all of the tracks below are stunning pieces that, in one way or another, capture the mood of a single day on planet earth.
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