Why John Lennon felt betrayed by Bob Dylan

John Lennon was a big Bob Dylan fan. At one point in the early 1960s, The Beatles would even go so far as to call the folk star their “idol”, talking about meeting him for the first time as if they’d met God himself. But as time went on, and strange tensions bubbled between Lennon and Dylan, the former Beatle admitted to feeling let down by his hero as he seemed to let himself down too.The relationship between Lennon and Dylan is a perfect piece of evidence as to why you should never meet your idols. When the Liverpudlian musician was a new star basking in global fame, Dylan was his in with counterculture. Through his love for Dylan, Lennon developed a love for a more left-field sound, beginning to be inspired by folk and more alternative genres than just straight rock and roll. After meeting the man himself, the folk star’s influence was definitely heard on Rubber Soul and the track ‘Norwegian Wood’. To Lennon, that was merely the result of inspiration or a compliment paid to a man he looked up to. To Dylan, it was a rip-off.
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