In When I’m 64, Paul McCartney imagined someone of Madonna’s age knitting, not going on tour – The Irish Times
Airstrip One has managed to resist the advance of Newspeak. Cinemas are clogged with brash entertainment such as Ghostbusters and the second Indiana Jones movie. A fat old codger who was around then tells me the two noises you could not escape emerged from a young Michigander in ecclesiastical jewellery and an older New Jerseyan dressed like your cousin from Leitrim. Bruce Springsteen had been a rock star for a decade, but Born on the USA made him into a genuine pop sensation.Madonna followed up awesome singles such as Holiday and Borderline with the immediately ubiquitous Like a Virgin. That video of her writhing in a gondola was, I’m informed, harder to avoid than banners of Big Brother in the George Orwell novel referenced above. In the unlikely event anyone asked anyone else what those two performers would be up to in 39 years’s time, it seems unlikely that second person would respond: “Dunno. Pretty much what they are doing now, I guess.”
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