The Beatles song John Lennon called “pretty poor”

By necessity, The Beatles needed filler. With a record contract that required at least two albums a year and a schedule that kept them either on the road or in the studio for most of their waking hours, the band had to have a lot of material to fill in those gaps. “Filler” might be a pejorative term, but The Beatles tended to make the most of it.
The only difference between most bands’ filler and The Beatles’ filler is that The Beatles filler tends to be of phenomenally high quality. Littered throughout their records are hidden gems just waiting to be discovered, with tracks like ‘Hey Bulldog’, ‘Long Long Long’, and ‘For No One’ taking years to fully catch on. Since all of The Beatles’ music is cherished and canonised, it’s hard to find a song that isn’t beloved by some faction of the audience.
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