John Lennon, Joe Rogan, and the N Word |

John Lennon and Yoko Ono released “Woman is the Nigger Of The World” in 1972. There was an outcry over the most taboo word in the English language (at least when it’s spoken by white people), but Lennon was defiant, refusing to apologize. He appeared on Dick Cavett’s show and read a statement by Ron Dellums, the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus: “If you define ‘nigger’ as someone whose lifestyle is defined by others, whose opportunities are defined by others, whose role in society is defined by others, the good news is that you don’t have to be black to be a nigger in this society. Most people in America are niggers.”
It wouldn’t happen today. No politician would speak like Dellums, nor would any record label go near the song. The former Beatle was trying to make a feminist point, and there was no racist intent. But five decades later a white person’s not allowed to say the word, regardless of the intent. It must be called the N-word, as Joe Rogan’s learning the hard way now. The comedian and podcast host’s been a target of progressives, especially since he came out as an anti-vaxxer, so they went through his archives and found repeated use of the forbidden word, but not in a racist way. He wasn’t demeaning black people. Rogan’s a comedian, and comedians like to push boundaries.
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Source: John Lennon, Joe Rogan, and the N Word |
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