Paul McCartney reveals why he and John Lennon wrote separately

The songwriting partnership of John Lennon and Paul McCartney needs no real introduction. The driving force of The Beatles, the duo is credited as writing around 180 astonishing songs between 1962 and 1970, a back catalogue which is now credited as changing the course of popular music as we know it today.
While Lennon would later explain how he and McCartney would work “eyeball to eyeball”, as the band developed amid the hysteria that was Beatlemania, the dynamics began to change. “We wrote a lot of stuff together, one on one, eyeball to eyeball,” John Lennon said during an interview with Playboy in 1980.
“Like in ‘I Want To Hold Your Hand,’ I remember when we got the chord that made the song,” he added “We were in Jane Asher’s house, downstairs in the cellar playing on the piano at the same time. And we had, ‘Oh you-u-u/ got that something…’”
Also read ‘The Chemistry of Lennon & McCartney” by Ruth McCartney.
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Source: Paul McCartney reveals why he and John Lennon wrote separately
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