McCartney Times

GEIST – Book of Shadows – Chapter 7 ‘The Descent’

GEIST – Book of Shadows – Chapter 7 ‘The Descent’

GEIST – Book of Shadows – Chapter 7 ‘The Descent’
February 03
17:06 2021


Music and Lyrics by: Martin Nethercutt

© 2014 Ruth McCartney Music Publishing

Wading through toxic sludge, a bi-product of the Lyfelyne Corporation, I was alone with my thoughts, again.

Alone, just pushing forward deeper into the caves.

I could tell you more about what I was thinking, but I want to leave you alone with your own thoughts. I’ll see you on the other side.

GEIST Book of Shadows (Overview)

When I set out on this project, I had no idea how large it would become. It started with songs, music I had written a while back, and I had a glimpse of a vision to make this musical project into a multimedia experience.
People often ask me: ‘Why did it take you 10 years to complete the second GEIST album?’
Well, the answer is not easy. As much as I enjoy my own creativity, you have to stay alive to make and produce it. So, as a co-owner of various companies it can be hard to keep your priorities straight.
The one thing about this pandemic we are all going through has taught me, is that when you’re used to being independent, working with clients, helping them to create their vision and fulfilling their dreams and ambitions, your personal projects have to grow at their own pace.

I am proud to have achieved so much in my life, giving others the opportunity to thrive in business as well as personally.
Every day now, when I watch the news about what’s going on in the world, it dawns on me that I am actually recording, writing and producing an account of what is truly going on all around us.


About Author

Martin Nethercutt

Martin Nethercutt

Martin A Nethercutt is a writer, singer, producer and loves music. Creative Director at McCartney Studios Editor-in-Chief at McCartney Times Creator-in-Chief at Geist Musik President (title) at McCartney Multimedia, Inc. Went to Albert-Schweitzer-Schule Kassel Lives in Playa del Rey From Kassel, Germany Married to Ruth McCartney

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