The massive impact of The Beatles album ‘Sgt. Pepper’

Has any album had a more significant – and broader – impact on music like The Beatles masterpiece Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club? The project singularly proved that the album format could bend into any shape or direction that an artist desired. The Fab Four demonstrated that no boundaries were holding back their artistry, together as a band, The Beatles were simply shoulders above their competition.
Sgt. Pepper signified the moment that The Beatles leapt out of their comfort zone, and even though they were already the most popular group on the planet, they still had their doubters. Sgt. Pepper, however, showed that they could write pop records as delectable as any artist that proceeded them, but The Fab four also had an avant-garde streak that separated them from the chasing pack.
McCartney later astutely put it: “We were fed up with being Beatles. We really hated that fucking four little mop-top boys approach. We were not boys, we were men.” Sgt. Pepper was their coming-out party, the clean-cut days were behind them, and the Beatles were no longer the whiter than white figures the press had painted them as during their infantile years.
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Source: The massive impact of The Beatles album ‘Sgt. Pepper’
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