(KFVS) -It’s estimated more than 111 million people were tuned into last weekend’s Super Bowl.That’s a big number. But a TV variety show on CBS and KFVS12 also drew quite
Beatles Fans
“When you’ve seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there.” – George Harrison John and Yoko (image courtesy Vanity Fair) Recent news reports have noted
Unseen photographs of The Beatles taken by photographer David Magnus will go on display at Proud Chelsea.The photographs bear witness to the phenomenal ascent of the four piece, offering a
He is rock ‘n’ roll’s leading memorabilia detective, a collector who has tracked down John Lennon’s Japanese language class doodles and Elton John’s first upright piano. Now Tom Fontaine is
This is my den from where I can watch woodpeckers and foxes in the garden – and sport on TV.
Electric Light Orchestra traces its roots in symphonic music back to The Beatles | Villages-News.com
Eric Troyer is carrying on the legacy of the Electric Light Orchestra but one of his most cherished memories is
OK, Beatles fans. What is your favorite Beatles recording and why? That’s a question I posted on Facebook earlier this
New concert paying tribute to The Beatles, “In My Life — A Musical Theatre Tribute to the Beatles,” will be
First came the Beatles, those Fab Four lads from England. Then came “Beatlemania,” the musical Broadway revue. Now, there’s the
PLYMOUTH – It’s the third year for the winter Beatlemania show – Saturday, Jan. 28, at the Spire Center for Performing Arts – and this year show producer and Seasound