Paul McCartney tickets still sky-high as New York legislature delays reforms |

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — For two reasons, Syracuse Paul McCartney fans shouldn’t expect relief to the high ticket prices for the ex-Beatle’s show in September at the Carrier Dome. First, an Attorney General’s Office investigation into the “exorbitant” McCartney ticket prices could take several months just to gather the relevant materials, a spokesman said recently.Second, both houses of the state legislature have now passed a year-long extension for the current rules and regulations governing the sales of concert tickets. Industry critics and some legislators point to existing rules as being too lax on second-party sellers and industry insiders, allowing prices to skyrocket.The bill was passed late last week by the state Senate after being passed in the Assembly in late May. Staff members for bill’s Assembly sponsor said they hope the bill will be sent to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s desk shortly.In April, tickets with a face value of $165 for the Paul McCartney show here were priced at more than $11,000 on a re-seller site. As of this week, some were selling for more than $3,000 on StubHub.On the Senate floor, Sen. Daniel Squadron (D-Manhattan) pointed to the Syracuse ticket prices as reason the Senate should not delay ticket reform. He’s introduced a separate bill for several years he says will improve transparency in ticket sales and bring down prices for buyers. It would take effect immediately if passed.
Source: Paul McCartney tickets still sky-high as New York legislature delays reforms |
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