The songs Paul McCartney wrote about marijuana

Most famous, of course, for his work alongside John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr as The Beatles, Paul McCartney and his three fellow Liverpudlians changed the face of popular music almost single-handedly throughout the 1960s. They began the decade as four cheeky mop-tops from Liverpool writing primarily of love. Eventually, they found themselves looking like the cast of Scooby-Doo singing about yellow submarines, meter maids, tangerine trees, marmalade skies and spiritual peace, man.In no small part was this artistic shift brought about by the devil’s lettuce, marijuana. The substance was first introduced to The Beatles by Bob Dylan. The Fab Four first met Dylan in August 1964 in New York following one of the folk rocker’s concerts at the Forest Hills Tennis Stadium in Queens.
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