How Bob Dylan and George Harrison bonded while writing a hit

Shortly after concluding his world tour, Bob Dylan totalled his 500cc Triumph Tiger 100 while driving to manager Albert Grossman’s house in Woodstock. Dylan would later explain that the so-called accident wasn’t actually all that accidental. “Truth was that I wanted to get out of the rat race,” he revealed in Chronicles. “Having children changed my life and segregated me from just about everybody and everything that was going on. Outside of my family, nothing held any real interest for me, and I was seeing everything through different glasses”.In 1968 Dylan moved with his family to Woodstock, where he began writing and demoing new material with The Band. The musician would later describe this period as one of the most tranquil and productive of his life. It was around this time that Dylan sat down with another musician struggling with life in the spotlight: The Beatles’ George Harrison. The Fab Four had met Dylan many years before, with the folk singer introducing them to the wonders of marijuana and revitalising the group’s approach to songwriting.
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Source: How Bob Dylan and George Harrison bonded while writing a hit
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