Family life: Tokyo summer, Help! by the Beatles, and Mum’s spicy apple chutney | Life and style | The Guardian
Snapshot: Tokyo summer and the sound of cicadasIn 2011, we sold our little house in Tokyo and came back to live in the UK. At the time, my son Sean was nine and my daughter Moe was seven. They were born in Tokyo and had always lived there. Now they had to adapt to a new, very different culture. We chose an area in the south-east of England, close to my parents and relatives. Over the past five years, I’m pleased to say, Sean and Moe have settled very well and adapted to their new environment.This photograph was taken outside our old house in Tokyo in the summer of 2008. We had a large trellis that stretched from the front door practically to the gate. In summer, the insects would be forever buzzing around the hanging and potted plants on the trellis.
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