Jack White Accuses The Rolling Stones Of ‘Copying’ The Beatles | Q104.3

Jack White had some strong words to say about the Rolling Stones during a recent interview, suggesting that they copied the Beatles back in the ’60s.“People want The Rolling Stones to be cool, dirty, raucous. They don’t want to understand that The Rolling Stones were chasing a hit constantly and feeding off whatever the hippest thing was, copying whatever The Beatles did last week,” he explained. “That disrupts the fantasy. And the fantasy’s amazing – I have indulged many times with those kinds of bands. That’s not an insult. That’s them being smart and figuring out a way to keep a train moving.”His sentiment is reminiscent of Paul McCartney’s, who recently called the Stones “a blues cover band.” It just so happens that Macca is also “absolutely 1000%” White’s favorite Beatle.
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Source: Jack White Accuses The Rolling Stones Of ‘Copying’ The Beatles | Q104.3
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