How A Hard Day’s Night Reinvented the Rock Musical

Pang! Like The Beatles‘ album of the same name, A Hard Day’s Night opens with an electric strum of a guitar—electric in this case being both literal and figurative. The film begins in an excited frenzy, with the Fab Four running from a screaming crowd of teenage fans, soundtracked by the movie’s title song. As the music plays out, the boys continue to run and one joke follows the other. Immediately, the tone is set: welcome to a youthful, inventive film that sets to capture the cultural phenomenon of its stars while allowing itself the freedom to mock the very concept of making a traditional musical picture. The band cracks wise to one another and those they reluctantly work with, catchy songs begin spontaneously, and gags are thrown about in a rapid-fire manner. At times, it’s almost hard to keep up.
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