Yoko Ono tells Dutch drinks company to drop ‘John Lemon’ brand name – DutchNews.nl

The widow of John Lennon is suing two Dutch entrepreneurs for using the name John Lemon for a jenever-based cocktail drink they have devised. Sebastian Kolstee and Ruben Wolvekamp, the founders of Kever Jenerver, said they had received a summons to stop selling the drink from law firm Hoyng Rokh Monegier, who represent Ono’s Imagine Peace Revocable Trust. All cans already sold to bars and restaurants have to be recalled, Kolstee said. ‘We were told we will have to pay €500 a day if we don’t,’ he told the Telegraaf. It is not the first time Yoko Ono has successfully banned drinks producers from using the name. In 2017, a Polish producer was forced to drop the name after Ono threatened legal action.
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Source: Yoko Ono tells Dutch drinks company to drop ‘John Lemon’ brand name – DutchNews.nl
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