8 Biggest Lessons From The Beatles ‘Get Back’ Series on Disney+

If the recent eight-hour Disney+ series Get Back was only about the Beatles’ recording of 1970’s Let It Be, it would be one of the best musical documentaries ever. Thankfully, it’s not. Instead, the three-episode series reminds fans that the Beatles were real people who cursed, drank, smoked, laughed, and, yes, didn’t always agree with each other. Similar to Metallica’s 2004 Some Kind of Monster, Get Back highlights a band in crisis (Metallica is much more aware of its dire situation than the Beatles) due to quitting band members, personality clashes and different commitment levels within the group. Perhaps more importantly, fans learn new things about John, Paul, George and Ringo that the history books have omitted or rewritten. Here are the eight most important lessons learned from the series.
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Source: 8 Biggest Lessons From The Beatles ‘Get Back’ Series on Disney+
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