Beatles actors revealed for Midas Man

Jonah Lees will play John Lennon, Blake Richardson will star as Paul McCartney, Leo Harvey Elledge is George Harrison while newcomer Campbell Wallace will play Ringo Starr.
Adam Lawrence has also joined the cast as Pete Best – who was fired from the group just before they found fame – and it was revealed earlier this week that Jay Leno will play chat show host Ed Sullivan.
Jacob Fortune-Lloyd will play the Fab Four’s late manager in the movie, which charts Epstein’s role in the creative explosion during the 1960s and his significant influence on pop music.
The project is back in production after an enforced break as producers searched for a replacement for director Jonas Akerlund. Sara Sugarman is now behind the camera on the flick.
Filming commenced last month in Liverpool but had to be put on hold for three weeks while the new director was found. The shoot is expected to move over to the US early next year.
Emily Watson, Eddie Marsan, Lukas Gage, Rosie Day and Bill Milner are also starring in the movie.
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