Who was the best singer in The Beatles?

As Bob Dylan’s impressive career demonstrates, one can get by with limited technical vocal ability and virtues in other spheres. In Dylan’s case, songwriting is his most vital strength, but his vocal delivery and timbre are still inherent to his individuality and, hence, career longevity. In the vocal department, The Beatles combined a similar identity with technical ability in a heady cocktail that helped to redefine pop music through the 1960s. When judging vocals, it is important to understand the difference between subjectivity and objectivity. For example, I would prefer to listen to George Harrison singing ‘Wah-Wah’ than Céline Dion singing about her heart and in which direction she wishes it to go. However, in objective terms, such as range, dynamic command and projection, Dion is, of course, superior. With this in mind, let’s see if we can decide on a definitive answer for the titular question.
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