The exhibition where John Lennon fell in love with Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono and John Lennon remain the original and foremost pop culture power couple. From bedding in for peace to provocative joint interviews, their ideas coalesced, and they tried to spread them to the world. As ever, this was bound by Ono’s mantra on life: “You change the world by being yourself.” From the get-go, this individualism was bound by the power of creativity as Lennon fell for the radical artist at an exhibition.
In 1966, Ono unveiled a work titled ‘Yes’ whereby at the top of a ladder hung a magnifying glass. When you held the magnifying glass to the roof above, in small print, the word “Yes” was etched onto the ceiling. “There was another piece that really decided me for-or-against the artist: a ladder which led to a painting which was hung on the ceiling,” Jon Lennon recalled when he first saw the work.
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Source: The exhibition where John Lennon fell in love with Yoko Ono
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