John Lennon and Yoko Ono: PM’s ‘War is Over’ Christmas card on show – BBC News

The card, part of the couple’s 1969 peace campaign, was rescued from what was then labelled the prime minister’s “nutty filing” cabinet by Beatles fan and secretary Ruth Ferenczy.
Her daughter Alex Rowe, from Manchester, said it had been marked “no”, meaning no reply would be sent.
Loaning it to Liverpool Beatles Museum, she said it was time it was shared.
The card, which was signed by the couple with the message “with love to the Wilsons from the Lennons”, was sent a few months after Lennon and Ono held their two famous bed-in protests for peace.
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Source: John Lennon and Yoko Ono: PM’s ‘War is Over’ Christmas card on show – BBC News
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