Here’s Who Inherited George Harrison’s Money After He Died

“You’ve got as many lives as you like, and more, even ones you don’t want.” George Harrison once spoke these now iconic words (per Brainy Quote). Regardless of the number of proverbial lives the late Beatles guitarist may or may not have lived, there’s no question as to the number of lives he touched. In addition to being a founding member of The Beatles and one of the most sacred portraits of artistry in recent history, Harrison garnered a community of loved ones and fans who will never forget what offered during his life.
George Harrison joined The Beatles in 1943 when he was only 15 years old. Despite his youth, he defied any expectation of ineptitude and would go on to write some of the band’s most notable hits including “Here Comes the Sun” and “Something.” Sadly, a career that started at a young age would also end at a young age, and in 2001 when he was only 58, Harrison died of throat cancer in the company of his wife Olivia and their son Dahni (via History).
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Source: Here’s Who Inherited George Harrison’s Money After He Died
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