10 Killer Beatles Guitar Solos | Best Classic Bands
The Beatles are rarely hailed as a band known for parceling out one all-timer of a guitar solo after another, their residence being more squarely in the Land of Song rather than the Land of the Ax. But nearly any Beatles buff grapples with the pleasing task of sorting out which solos stand apart from the rest, such was the sheer volume of worthy exemplars. Here are 10 that make a worthy case as the best of the best.10) “Sweet Little Sixteen” (1962)This Hamburg field recording, with its piping hot George Harrison solo, is a reminder that this band loved rock and roll every bit as much as you do—or, really, let’s call it more. It’s the sound of music being a way of life. Harrison was an ever-earnest picker at this point, but he could flash some virtuosity. Not a lot of solos give you the sense that they’d be hot to the touch, but this is one of them.
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