Why The Beatles never reunited, according to Ringo Starr

The ‘What If’ game is a dangerous one to play. If you allow yourself to go down the rabbit hole, wondering what might have happened if X or Y had or hadn’t occurred, you can quickly end up rewriting history into a whole other story when, in reality, the fact is that the world will never know it’s various alternative outcomes. In music, there are plenty of those kinds of questions, wondering what certain artists might have done if they’d had more time or what music might have sounded like if a particular group had never come together. But even since 1970, the question of what the Beatles might have done if they’d reunited has been a key one, with Ringo Starr asking himself it too.The politics of the Beatles’ split is messy. When people ask why the band split up, the fact is that there is no easy answer. It involves years of built-up tensions and arguments, the impact of drugs, lingering resentments, bad business deals and so on. If there had to be one short response to summarise it all, it would be that the band had grown apart. Having broken through at a young age, it was really incredible that the four friends had managed to grow together through so many changes for so long but by 1970, with all the other issues in the mix, it became impossible.
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Source: Why The Beatles never reunited, according to Ringo Starr
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