The legends Paul McCartney thought screwed up his song

The meaning of any lyric tends to be in the ear of the beholder. While some songwriters can be an open book about what their lyrics mean, it’s easy for the listener to take something out of context and have one key line in a song mean something completely different, for better or for worse. Although Paul McCartney has written songs that the whole world has adopted as their own, he admitted that many covers of this classic tune got the message all wrong when he heard them.At the same time, not every song McCartney wrote with The Beatles had to mean anything. They would touch on more serious topics here and there, but when looking at McCartney’s whimsical ditties, it wasn’t like he was trying to get people to get politically involved or live their lives based on what was happening in ‘Ob La Di Ob La Da’.
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Source: The legends Paul McCartney thought screwed up his song
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