The lost Beatles song Paul McCartney waited 20 years to make

For most artists, no song can truly be considered complete. Even though you may have recorded it once and have been praised by millions worldwide for that one version, songs usually take a while to gestate before they even make it into the studio. Some might spend months getting a tune, and some might take years, but Paul McCartney unveiled a song that he started back in his Beatles days at the tail end of Off the Ground.By the time McCartney made his way into the 1990s, though, he had already gone through one of the stranger patches in his career. After becoming one of the biggest pop stars in the world all over again, thanks to his collaborations with Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder in the early 1980s, projects like Give My Regards to Broad Street weren’t exactly what he needed to be hip with the kids.
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Source: The lost Beatles song Paul McCartney waited 20 years to make
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