McCartney Times

The reason why John Lennon hated John Wayne

The reason why John Lennon hated John Wayne

The reason why John Lennon hated John Wayne
June 02
12:42 2023

There were several public figures that John Lennon was not the biggest fan of, but it looks as though one of his most hated was the actor John Wayne. Wayne was a stalwart of macho Hollywood and had made more than a few racist comments during his lifetime, so it’s unsurprising to learn that Lennon was not his biggest admirer.Lennon made a reference to Wayne when discussing his distaste for a lyric in a Neil Young song, ‘My My, Hey Hey (Out of the Blue). On that track, Young famously sings, “It’s better to burn out than to fade away,” but Lennon took great issue with the way Young appeared to be venerating famous figures who passed away and had little else to offer other than their former works.

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About Author

Martin Nethercutt

Martin Nethercutt

Martin A Nethercutt is a writer, singer, producer and loves music. Creative Director at McCartney Studios Editor-in-Chief at McCartney Times Creator-in-Chief at Geist Musik President (title) at McCartney Multimedia, Inc. Went to Albert-Schweitzer-Schule Kassel Lives in Playa del Rey From Kassel, Germany Married to Ruth McCartney

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