Paul McCartney reveals his secret songwriting tips

As one half of arguably the greatest writing partnership in the history of recorded music, when Paul McCartney offers songwriting advice, you bloody well take it. More often than not, songwriters are remarkably coy about their craft, preferring to keep the secret to their success under lock and key, perhaps out of fear that they’ll be usurped by some guitar-clad youngster on the hunt for a hit. Paul McCartney, however, is more than open to the idea of sharing some of the tricks of the trade. Let’s look at some of his best advice for songwriters.
McCartney is incredibly pragmatic about the art of songwriting. For him, it’s all about getting stuff done. People who write music often like nothing more than leaving a song to simmer gently while they go off and do other things, believing that, with time, the song will reveal itself to them. In McCartney’s view, this is a very bad move.
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