McCartney Times

Dr. Angie McCartney

1567 Blue Jay Way

    1567 Blue Jay Way

1567 Blue Jay Way Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles Blue Jay Way was an address where George Harrison stayed on one of his sojourns to Los Angeles in August 1967. The

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Smith’s Bar

    Smith’s Bar

Smith’s Bar 701 8th Avenue, W. 44th Street, New York, 10036 Tel: 1-212-246-3268   This snazzy little bar was close to The Hit Factory, where John Lennon loved to work.

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McCartney Times 5th Anniversary!

    McCartney Times 5th Anniversary! 5th Anniversary! It’s hard to believe how time has passed. When we started this site 5 years ago. We wanted to make sure we built a library of Beatles’

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Flu Fighter – Mrs. McCartney’s Teas

    Flu Fighter – Mrs. McCartney’s Teas

Mrs. McCartney’s Teas announces: ‘Flu Fighter’ You’re run down, can’t see straight. Your body is rapidly descending through the various circles of Dante’s hell. Face it compadre, you’ve got the

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There are statues I remember

  There are statues I remember

There are statues I remember (article by Dr. Angie McCartney) On looking through The Guide, Liverpool, it occurred to me

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Sir Paul McCartney’s 78th Birthday Fan Celebration

  Sir Paul McCartney’s 78th Birthday Fan Celebration

Below are the comments from fans from all over the world wishing Sir Paul McCartney a happy 78th birthday! Thank

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The Fab landmarks that made Liverpool so special…Paul McCartney’s step mum Angie remembers some of her favourites – The Guide Liverpool

  The Fab landmarks that made Liverpool so special…Paul McCartney’s step mum Angie remembers some of her favourites – The Guide Liverpool

She may have swapped her Merseyside roots and the commercial world of Littlewoods for the glamour of the Hollywood Hills

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Ruth and Angie McCartney discuss Beatles Books on TeaFlix

  Ruth and Angie McCartney discuss Beatles Books on TeaFlix

A McCartney Times exclusive! Here’s to another beautiful episode of TeaFlix Tuesdays! In this episode of TexFlix Tuesdays, Angie and

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Remembering Geoff Emerick

  Remembering Geoff Emerick

Remembering Geoff Emerick The Directors of McCartney Multimedia, (Angie & Ruth McCartney & Martin Nethercutt), were invited to a Memorial

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TEAFLIX Tuesdays with Lawrence Gowan (Styx)

  TEAFLIX Tuesdays with Lawrence Gowan (Styx)

TEAFLIX Tuesdays with Lawrence Gowan (Styx) Lawrence Henry Gowan (born 22 November 1956) is a Scottish-born Canadian musician. Gowan has

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