McCartney Times

Eleanor Rigby’s Grave

Eleanor Rigby’s Grave

Eleanor Rigby’s Grave

St Peter’s Churchyard, Woolton, Liverpool
++44 151 428 6810

The gravestone of one Eleanor Rigby who died on October 10th 1939, aged 44, can be found in the churchyard of St. Peter’s in Woolton, the very place where John and Paul first met in July of 1957.

In August 1966, The Beatles released the single Eleanor Rigby the B-side of Yellow Submarine, it was also included on the Album Revolver. The song was composed by Paul McCartney and since the release the question has always been asked of Paul, “Who is Eleanor Rigby?” Paul later recalled that he must have seen the name subliminally when they would go across from the church hall to the graveyard to smoke ciggies and hang out. He was not consciously aware of such a person.

Also interred in this cemetery are the remains of Julia Lennon, John’s biological mother, and Stuart Sutcliffe, the early Beatle who died in Germany but who was brought  back to Liverpool for final interment at the wishes of his family.

Map Link:

Check their Find a Grave website:

Census and background information on John and Eleanor Rigby and the whole well-researched story by Kevin Roach is here.

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